Funny video: meet the most seductive cat in the world.

Funny Video: Meet the Most Seductive Cat in the World Funny Video: Meet the Most Seductive Cat in the World (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of a very seductive little cat trying to win over her partner is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The clip, shared at the end of February on Instagram, has already accumulated over 16 million views, along with more than 240 thousand likes and thousands of comments from internet users who were entertained by the scene.

“She’s sexier than me, I need some [lessons on] being sexy,” joked an Instagram user. “She’s romantic,” said another. “No cat can resist such a seductive cat,” commented a third internet user.

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If the above couple made you wonder if cats are monogamous, you’ll be surprised by the answer. According to experts, although many animals form committed partnerships, mating year after year and being co-parents to their offspring, cats do not fall into this category.

“Cats do not have primary sexual partners, do not form romantic relationships, do not form couple bonds,” said expert Mikel Delgado, a scientist who studies cat behavior, in conversation with the Slate website. Whether this means that cats are polyamorous is not clear.

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